Appeon PowerBuilder Spain Conference 2023

Lugar: Hotel Vincci Lys, Carrer de Martínez Cubells, 5, 46002 Valencia, Spain, (pocos minutos andando de la estación Norte)
Fechas: Jueves 19 Octobre    Horario: 09.30 – 18.00

Todo sobre las evoluciones de PowerBuilder y PowerServer, Roadmap. Encuentro con Appeon y la comunidad internacional de los desarrolladores PowerBuilder.

Regístrate ahora, evento gratuito en presencia, registros limitado. 

Conference Agenda (draft) 19th of October

09.30 Welcome coffee
09.50  Start (SoftPI)

10.00 Appeon PowerBuilder product roadmap, focus on key new features of PB 2025, Armeen Mazda (CEO Appeon)
10.30 What’s new in PowerBuilder 2022 R2: news and demo, Bruce Armstrong (PowerBuilder GURU)
12.00 Break
12.15  Powerserver rehearse: installable cloud app concepts, review of version 2022 and what’s new in R2, Marco Meoni (PowerBuilder Specialist)

13.30  Lunch and networking

14.30 Successes stories of Appeon partners, Spain partner (speech in Spanish)
          Que aporta la migración a PowerBuilder 2022 R2, Javier Garcia (Grupo Trevenque)
          Experiencia de migración de C/S a PowerServer, José Miguel Rodriguez (Diputación Provincial de Almeria)
15.10 PB companion tools: what’s new in 2023*, Christophe Dufourmantelle Novalys CEO
16.00 Migrating to PowerBuilder 2022 R2: mingration issues from old versions, Bruce Armstrong (PowerBuilder GURU)
17.00 Coffee break
17.15 REST API: The Paladin of Modern Applications, Marco Meoni (PowerBuilder Specialist)
17.50 Q&A
18.00 Conclusions

* Los desarrolladores de PowerBuilder se benefician de un ecosistema rico y en constante evolución. Las herramientas complementarias completan las funciones proporcionadas por Appeon para mejorar la experiencia del usuario, aumentar la productividad del desarrollador y fortalecer la seguridad, la estabilidad y el rendimiento de la aplicación.
Esta presentación mostrará las últimas versiones y nuevas funciones de los complementos de PowerBuilder, para mejorar sus aplicaciones y su entorno de desarrollo.

It is free of charge, it is only in presence, you needs to registers now, limited seats. 

Curso: el dia siguente, el 20 de Octubre 2023 en el mismo lugar se tendra un curso de Appeon PowerBuilder y PowerServer, por favor en el registro indicar si interesa participar al curso y le enviaremos toda la información.

Appeon Training 20th of October 

Lugar: same place of the conference

Fechas: Viernes 20 Octobre    Horario: 09.00 – 17.00

Participants should have their personal PC

– PowerBuilder 2022 R2

– PowerServer 2022 R2
– SnapDevelop 2022 R2

Morning session (standard level):

Learn the new PowerServer 2022, a full-fledged development frameworks for converting even the most complex PB app into Cloud deployable app with ease and speed. Topics covered include: an overview of architecture deployment, debugging tools, migration pitfalls and performance tuning. PowerServer REST architecture offers an open, scalable and maintainable solution, yet overcoming the major limitations of previous PowerServer Web.

Afternoon session (intermediate level):

Learn the key aspects of the MVC architecture and Web API. Topics covered are .NET C# Datastore and C# Data Model, scaffolding of Web API controller and service, secure the API using JWT. In addition, practice with Appeon SnapDevelop development tools such as the PowerScript-C# converter, whitebox testing and in-depth view of SnapObject ORM, SQLGenerator and SQLExecutor. A large set of exercises will include full-fledged REST API client in PB.

Prerequisites: Windows 10 (or higher) VM with full installation of PB 2022. 

Training it isn’t free of charge, we will send you an offer. It is only in presence, you needs to registers now, limited seats. 

You can participate only in the conference, only in the training or both of course.